
Participation Agreement

Let's shake on it (virtually, of course)

Welcome to the Oruly Participation Agreement! This agreement outlines the rules of engagement for our platform. By using Oruly, you're agreeing to these terms, so read carefully (we promise it's more exciting than watching paint dry).

This Agreement is between you and Oruly AI.

To use Oruly, you must:

  • Be at least 18 years old (sorry, kids, go play outside).
  • Have the legal capacity to enter into this agreement.
  • Not be barred from using our services under applicable laws.
  • Not be a citizen or resident of a country that is subject to a trade embargo by the United Nations.
  • Not be a person who is prohibited from receiving services under the laws of the United States and Canada.

As an Oruly user, you agree to:

  • Provide accurate and complete information when creating your account.
  • Keep your account information up-to-date.
  • Maintain the security of your account (no sharing passwords, even with your cat).
  • Be responsible for all activities that occur under your account.

Remember, one account per user. We're not into the whole multiple personality thing.

When posting or accepting tasks:

  • Provide clear and accurate task descriptions.
  • Set reasonable deadlines and compensation.
  • Complete tasks to the best of your ability and on time.
  • Communicate promptly and professionally with other users.
  • Don't post or accept tasks that violate our policies or applicable laws.

Money talks, so let's talk money:

  • Task Posters: You agree to pay the agreed-upon amount for completed tasks.
  • Task Masters: You'll receive payment for approved tasks, minus our service fee.
  • Oruly charges a service fee for each completed task. A percentage of the task price is deducted from the task poster's wallet.
  • All payments are processed through our secure payment system.

No funny business with payments, folks. We're watching you (in a non-creepy way).

Respect the brainpower:

  • Task Masters: You grant Task Posters full rights to the work you produce on Oruly.
  • Task Posters: You're responsible for ensuring you have the right to use any materials you provide for tasks.
  • Don't infringe on others' intellectual property rights. Plagiarism is so not cool.

We hope everyone plays nice, but if conflicts arise:

  • Try to resolve disputes directly with the other party first.
  • If that doesn't work, contact our support team for mediation.
  • We reserve the right to make final decisions on disputes.

By using Oruly, you agree to arbitrate any disputes in Ontario, Canada.

All good things must come to an end:

  • You can terminate your account at any time by contacting us.
  • We may suspend or terminate accounts that violate our policies or this agreement.
  • Upon termination, you'll lose access to our services, but some obligations (like confidentiality) will survive.

Don't make us use the ban hammer. We don't enjoy it (okay, maybe a little).

Check out our Privacy Policy